La Tribune du Faso

FESPACO 2023 : Le film « Malla, aussi loin que dure la nuit » de Dramane Ouédraogo récompensé par le BBDA

Ce mercredi 17 mai 2023 à Ouagadougou, le Bureau burkinabè du droit d’auteur (BBDA) a organisé la cérémonie de remise officielle du chèque au lauréat du 3eme prix du Chef de l’Etat à l’occasion de la dernière édition du Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO).
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Management of the Mining Fund for Local Development: Civil society keeps watch in Houndé and Soaw

What is the stimulation of citizen participation and accountability in the management of local affairs? How the Committee for Dialogue and Citizen Watch (CDVC) monitors the management of public finances, including that relating to the Mining Fund for Local Development (FMDL) in the municipalities of Houndé (province of Tuy) and Soaw (province of Boulkiemdé)? These are the main axes on which focused the press caravan that the NGO Oxfam in Burkina organized, in collaboration with Actions des Journalistes sur les Mines au Burkina Faso (AJM-BF), from May 8 to 11, 2023.

Adama Traoré, president of the Houndé CDVC

The first town to receive media men, Houndé, which falls under the province of Tuy (Hauts-Bassins region), is home to the Houndé Gold Operation (HGO) gold mine of the Endeavor Mining group. Since the operationalization of the Mining Fund for Local Development (FMDL) in 2019, the municipality has received more than 7 billion FCFA. As stipulated in the 2015 mining code in its article 26, the FMDL is allocated to the financing of regional development plans and municipal development plans. Prioritizing social sectors such as education, water, sanitation and health. Speaking of health, the Committee for Dialogue and Citizen Watch (CDVC) of Houndé took us to the village of Dankari. In this place just along the national road 1 leading to Bobo-Dioulasso is erected a Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS).

The residents who rejoiced at the establishment of this jewel of more than 96 million FCFA quickly became disillusioned, tired of waiting for its official opening since the end of the construction of the buildings in 2021. According to the president of the CDVC of Houndé, Adama Traoré, this CSPS is welcome, but those who have chosen this site have not done well. The municipal council at the time set up the CSPS without the involvement of the population and CSOs in choosing the site. « It is very close to the road and an accident happened quickly, » he said. But in the meantime, the Committee pleads for the opening of this health center, even if it appears that the CSPS does not meet the standards and is non-viable from the point of view of health mapping.

Cracks on the new building

In the village of Koho in sector 5 of Houndé, the population is impatiently awaiting the Secondary Education College (CEG), also built thanks to the FMDL. The construction of this establishment of three classes, plus an administration and toilets began in November 2022 and ended in mid-April 2023, for an amount of more than 27 million FCFA. The Committee is already alerting to cracks that can be seen on the building in question. This makes the beneficiary population worried. On this point, the President of the special delegation (PDS) of Houndé, Souleymane Dianda, reassured the journalists during the exchanges. The CEG has not yet been received, so any malformations that may be observed will be corrected by the company in question.

Souleymane Dianda, PDS of Houndé (center)

Thanks to the FMDL, 90 million were allocated to the construction of a fence for the Gniehoun Hafanki school complex in Houndé and commercial shops. Not to mention the 72 million FCFA for the construction of 50 shops on the new site of the large market. The monitoring and alert role of the CDVC Houndé is appreciated at its fair value by the municipal authority. Especially with regard to capacity building and studies conducted on topics of great importance. « The Committee offers us reports that guide our decisions and allow us to take into account certain realities that we could have ignored if it had not approached us », indicated the PDS of Houndé.

Germain Nana, president of the Soaw CDCV

The second municipality to receive the press caravan is that of Soaw in the province of Boulkiemdé (Centre-Ouest region). This municipality, although it does not have a mining site on its perimeter, also benefits from the Mining Fund for Local Development (FMDL). Since the operationalization of the FMDL, Soaw has received a total of 151,171,732 FCFA. According to the president of the CDCV of Soaw, Germain Nana, gold also shines in this locality even if it does not shelter any mine. This money was used to make several achievements such as the administrative building of the CEG of Kolonkom, latrines for the Medical Center of Soaw and a drug depot at the CSPS of Kolonkom. “The construction of the depot was a request from civil society. Before, we did not know how to store the drugs, ”suggested Mr. Nana.  

The vice-president of the special delegation, Abraham Seni (right) is satisfied with the role played by the Committee in his commune

In the Municipality of Soaw, forums have been set up to allow people to express their needs. According to the vice-president of the special delegation, Abraham Seni, these needs have been prioritized. It is therefore on this basis that the municipality works. Also, he welcomed the action of the Committee for Dialogue and Citizen Watch (CDVC) which draws the attention of the authority to certain realities on the ground. This allows things to be corrected quickly. He wants as proof of this the poor construction of an administrative building in an establishment of the commune that the Committee has pointed out. “The roof was ruined, the technicians who were in charge of the control saw nothing. The CDVC caught our attention. When we arrived on the ground, the observation was real.  

As a reminder, Oxfam in Burkina Faso in collaboration with CERA/FP, ORCADE and RECIBOG is implementing the project « For a program to strengthen citizen participation and accountability in the management of public finances » phase II in the municipalities of Soaw ( Boulkiemdé), Dédougou (Mouhoun) and Houndé (Tuy).

Marcus Kouaman (






Gestion du Fonds minier de développement local : La société civile veille au grain à Houndé et à Soaw

Quelle est la stimulation de la participation citoyenne et la redevabilité dans la gestion des affaires locales ? Comment le Comité de dialogue et de veille citoyenne (CDVC) fait le suivi de la gestion des finances publiques y compris celle relative au Fonds minier de Développement Local (FMDL)  dans les communes de Houndé (province du Tuy) et de Soaw (province du Boulkiemdé) ? Tels sont les grands axes sur lequel a porté la caravane de presse que l’ONG Oxfam au Burkina a organisé, en collaboration avec Actions des Journalistes sur les Mines au Burkina Faso (AJM-BF), du 8 au 11 mai 2023. Lire la suite…


Comment une associée présumée du magnat de la cigarette burkinabè a tenté de corrompre un officiel malien

Un enregistrement secret obtenu par l’OCCRP montre comment Safy Mokoko Sow, une intermédiaire bien connectée, prétendant représenter le magnat du tabac burkinabè, Apollinaire Compaoré, a proposé de l’argent au chef de la compagnie nationale de tabac du Mali pour faire passer des cigarettes de contrebande. Lire la suite…


Kundé music export : c’est parti pour la première édition 

En marge des kundé 2023, se tiennent du 10 au 11 mai 2023, les « kundé music export » . La cérémonie d’ouverture a eu lieu ce mercredi 10 mai 2023 à Ouagadougou. C’était au cours d’une conférence de presse présidée par le ministre de la Communication, de la culture, des arts et du tourisme, Jean-Emmanuel Ouédraogo, patron de cette première édition. Cela, en présence de Salfo Soré alias Jah Presse, commissaire général des kundé et de Salif Traoré alias A’Salfo, commissaire général du Festival des Musiques Urbaines d’Anoumanbo ( FEMUA). Lire la suite…


Inclusion financière : l’Association Rayim-taaba pour le développement et l’entraide (ARDE) outille une soixantaine de personnes 

Du 08 au 10 mai 2023, l’Association Rayim-taaba pour le développement et l’entraide (ARDE) organise une formation sur l’éducation financière au profit d’une soixantaine de personnes. L’objectif est de permettre un épanouissement financier des participants. La cérémonie d’ouverture de l’atelier a eu lieu ce lundi 08 mai 2023 à Ouagadougou.
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Situation sécuritaire : « La protection des droits de l’Homme est un défi majeur… » Colonel-major Kassoum Coulibaly, ministre de la Défense

Ce jeudi 04 mai 2023 à Ouagadougou, le gouvernement a organisé une rencontre avec les patrons de presses et les organisations professionnelles des médias. Objectif, présenter la situation sécuritaire du pays à travers un état des lieux sur l’évolution de la lutte et la question du respect des droits de l’Homme qui fait couler beaucoup d’encre ces derniers temps.
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Journée mondiale de la liberté de presse : Siituation « plutôt bonne » au Burkina en 2023

Ce 03 mai 2023, le monde entier célèbre la journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse sous le thème : « Façonner un avenir de droits : La liberté d’expression comme moteur de tous les autres droits de l’Homme ». A cette occasion, le Centre national de presse Norbert Zongo (CNP-NZ) a sacrifié à la tradition en commémorant cet événement sous le thème national : « le CNP-NZ : 25 ans au service de la liberté d’expression et de la presse », et en donnant sa lecture sur l’état de la liberté de presse au Burkina Faso.
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