ENAM: IAMGOLD Essakane SA, sponsor of the “patriotic surge” promotion

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022 in Ouagadougou, the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) organized the graduation ceremony of its 2020-2022 class. This activity was placed under the high patronage of the Prime Minister, Appolinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambèla. It was sponsored by the Managing Director of IAMGOLD Essakane SA, Tidiane Barry and Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara, former President of the National Assembly.


They are a total of 638 students from 17 courses and 42 sections of cycles A, B and C. After 2 long years of intense learning of the science of administration from all angles, they are now ready to receive their parchments and to serve. For the General Delegate of the promotion, Aimé Bado, the privilege of serving the State is in itself a priesthood that he and his comrades accept willingly. “We are ready to serve the country with dedication, loyalty and integrity,” he assured.

This graduation ceremony was also an opportunity to present the applicants of the 2018-2020 promotion (1081 students) and that of 2019-2021 (867 students). The latter did not have the opportunity to celebrate their exit from the promotion because of the restrictions of the COVID-19. According to the Director General of ENAM, Dr Jacob Yarabatioula, the choice of the theme of the ceremony and the baptismal name of the promotion, “patriotic burst”, is explained by the desire of the outgoing promotion to be one with the vision of the Transitional Government which is working to establish a qualitative and structuring change in the governance and sovereignty of the country. 

The Minister of State, Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié delivered the speech of the Head of Government. For him, today in Burkina Faso, resilience must manifest itself in three ways, individual, collective and institutional. According to him, a resilient administration is an administration which, through its professionalism and respect for the rules of ethics and deontology, continues as far as possible to work despite adversity without forgetting the proposal of innovative measures. He urged applicants to embody the values ​​of resilience in their service.

Note that this ceremony was sponsored by the Managing Director of IAMGOLD Essakane SA, Tidiane Barry and Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara, former President of the National Assembly. Speaking on behalf of the sponsors, the CEO of Barry, congratulated the applicants and their advice for the success of the new life he is about to begin. “As enarques, you should embody the values ​​of the republic such as integrity, patriotism and a sense of duty well done. I therefore urge you to be respectful of the general principles of public administration, which are: neutrality (especially political), respect for hierarchy, probity. By appropriating these fundamentals, you are sure not to miss out on your essential mission,

The sponsorship of this activity by IAMGOLD Essakane SA is part of its policy of developing actions and programs with positive and lasting impacts in the country where it carries out its mining activities. This approach is based on a responsible mining model, which integrates training, youth employment and support for the development of a Burkinabè elite capable of meeting the challenges of the country’s socio-economic development.  

Issouf Tapsoba 



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